No, King James was the English king who had the bible translated from latin to english... hence, the King James' version of the bible.
There are 783,137 in the King James Version of the Bible. This Bible was translated in the year 1611. There is a more modern English version called the New King James Version.
King James 1st was responsible for ordering the creation of the King James Version of the Bible which was completed in 1611.
The Bible was written long before King James. And his version was not originally called the King James Bible.
If you are asking can you view an 1885 version of the King James Bible, Sure you can if you know where one is and if the owner will allow it.
King James version of the Bible was completed in 1611.
The King James Version is a translation of the Bible in English by King James I of England. It is not considered a Catholic version.
No, King James was the English king who had the bible translated from latin to english... hence, the King James' version of the bible.
There are 783,137 in the King James Version of the Bible. This Bible was translated in the year 1611. There is a more modern English version called the New King James Version.
The King James version of the Bible was first published in 1611.
If you are reading from a King James Version, then yes.
King James 1st was responsible for ordering the creation of the King James Version of the Bible which was completed in 1611.
The Bible was written long before King James. And his version was not originally called the King James Bible.
If you are asking can you view an 1885 version of the King James Bible, Sure you can if you know where one is and if the owner will allow it.
The King James Version was published in 1611 .
The King James Version of the bible was commisioned by King James of England back in the 1600's.
The word "prostitute" is in the King James Version of the Bible 1 time. It is in 1 verse. The noun for a prostitute in the King James Version of the Bible is "whore." The word "prostitute" is used only as a verb in the King James Version of the Bible.