calm means when you are at peace, when your not panicking, not all over the place. Just like how a water is still, that's kind of calm in a way. When nothing's on your mind, when you just don't do anything. When you are calm, you are at perfect peace, though it is not a state of amusement or spacing or zoning out, as thinking is the best thing to do when you are trying to be or stay calm, but more importantly, is what you are thinking of or rather Who you are thinking of that counts. Calm, peace, or tranquility is not the absence of thinking but the presence of thinking about how thankful you are about who you are in regards to eternity and to God, and why you are where you are, and Who put you there, and Who will keep you safe and in His will. It is like a spiritual vacation, not that the world doesn't matter, but just so that you can get some perspective and to make sure that you are going about life and living the way you are supposed to, which is with an inner peace in your relationship to the true God, and that whatever happens, you and God can handle it together. When it gets really tough, you can pray, which willl calm you down, though prayer is supposed to be at least half praise and half request, though that ratio should tilt toward the praise side a good bit of the time as well.
Peaceful, quiet.
Peaceful, serene, balmy
It comes from "CCC," or the Roman numeral for 300. It means "keep it cool, calm, and collected."
Calm is already a verb when used in the correct context. As in "to calm".Calms, calmed and calming are also verbs, depending on the tense you want.Some example sentences are:"I will calm down"."He calms down"."I calmed her down"."We are calming her down".
it means how loud your voice is. it is important because it shows your emotions. e.g anger = is when you shout calm = is when your voice is low
3 is a great temperament it mean the horse is calm and gentle but have problems every once in a while but what horse doesn't!?
Not really. You can be very calm when shocked.
calm down befor i calm you down
Calm and peaceful
calm down.
It is a noun meaning a calm and peaceful state of mind.
De'Naja mean Pretty, Calm, and Smart
it means to calm down. oil calms cogwheels down (wheels) it just means calm down.
It means "calm".
it means preety and calm
a calm cow
calm water