

What does ampres mean?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What does ampres mean?
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How many full load amperes in 1.5 ton of airconditioning?

you can not measure the ampres on the cooling capacity of the system. you can only measure ampres on the size of compressor or input kw to air-con. 1.5tons is measuring cooling capacity not electrcity input.

Can you use 1000mAh battery instead of 750mAh?

YES you can. the mah is just the battery's capacity. It will actually last longer than your old battery. It will just take longer to charge it. Just make sure that they are the same voltage...

What is the number of electrons flowing though a circuit called?

'Electricity' is not a quantity, so it doesn't 'flow' and cannot be allocated any units of measurement. If, however, you mean 'current', then its measured in amperes (symbol: A), which is defined in terms of the force between two parallel, current-carrying conductors, due to the interaction of the resulting magnetic fields.

How many watts in 120 v 60HZ?

None. Watts refers to how much electricity is being drawn from that 120v line. Think of volts as a size of pipe, watts as the size of a pitcher you are going to fill with water. If the faucet is off, the pipe still contains water...but you aren't using it till you fill up your pitcher. The other part of the equation is ampres...which could translate into the time it takes to fill the pitcher. Bigger pipe(larger voltage) takes less time (lower ampres) to fill the same pitcher (watts).

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It mean what you don't what does it mean.

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