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God says he hates a divorcing. There is only two grounds for a divorce. One is of course death of your mate. Second is fornication. Many people don't know what fornication is. Not to be rude but it can be found in the dictionary. Since that's how God feels about it, you know his son feels the same.

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Q: What does Jesus say about divorce?
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What is the verb of divorce?

Divorce can already be used as a verb. As well as a noun.If you say "I want a divorce", that would be a noun.If you say "I will divorce you", that is a verb.

Why do the Roman Catholics have an attitude about divorce?

Jesus Christ himself said that there is no such thing as divorce. How could the Church contradict him by speaking in favor of divorce?

What is Jesus' teaching about Divorce?

Both the Bible and Jesus teach that divorce is wrong because christian marriage is a partnership between a man and a woman forever. One of the promises made is that you will be 'Married to the grave'.

How do you say divorce in the German language?

Divorce is die Scheidung in German. To divorce is sichscheiden lassen.

Why did Jesus permit divorce?

Because he got fed up with Mary

Can you get a divorce if your wife is overseas?

i guess. because you can call her and say we will divorce.

Did Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ have a marital relationship?

No it is not at all true. As Jesus always spoke against adultery and divorce, and do not forget this Jesus was absolutely sinless.

Why are Catholics not allowed to divorce?

Jesus, himself, said that divorce was not correct. 'Any man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery. . . . '

Is divorce forbidden in Christianity and why?

Divorce is NOT forbidden.But 'frivolous' divorce IS forbidden.When Jehovah God united Adam and Eve in wedlock, he made no provision for divorce. Jesus stated: "So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart."But then Jesus made an 'exception' in Matthew 19:8,9: "I say to you that whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of fornication, and marries another commits adultery."Jesus stated that if one mate was unfaithful, committing adultery; -- the innocent mate (male or female) can divorce from that person. The unfaithful mate had 'adulterated' the marriage bed by that act; having 'severed' the bond; having severed the 'one flesh' standing they once had.

Did Jesus say if you can't forgive adultery then divorce?

In the Bible, Jesus did mention that adultery is a valid reason for divorce in the case of a spouse being unfaithful. He emphasized the importance of forgiveness, but also acknowledged that marital infidelity can be grounds for ending a marriage.