

What does ASDIC stand for?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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βˆ™ 11y ago

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Allied Submarine Detection Investigation Committee.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 8mo ago

ASDIC stands for Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee. It was a British military project during World War II that developed sonar technology for detecting submarines.

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Type your answer here... ASDIC

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SONAR True basically in principle but this doesn't fit, and I think that the answer is ASDIC or Anti-submarine Detection Investigation Committee, the former US name.

Who developed the First sonar for World war 2?

The Royal Navy had Asdic for submarine detection. Initially it was quite primitive. I'm thinking Sonar, as such, is more recent than WW2.

How did ASDIC help in the Battle of the Atlantic?

Active sonar was a huge advance. U-boats could run almost silently if needed, so hydrophones were useless at times. ASDIC allowed warships to find out exactly where a sub was hiding, and therefore let them use depth charges. It wasn't perfect, but it presented u-boat captains with a challenge: how do you escape from something that can't be escaped? Anti-sonar coatings made detection harder but not enough to escape location after the convoy or fleet got suspicious.

Who was the first person to use sonar in the navy?

Most likely it was some unknown bosun's mate that worked in the sonar lab at the Navy Bureau of Ordinance.

What did allied warships use to locate and attack submarines?

During WWII, Allied warships used ASDIC (an early, crude form of Sonar), airplanes (some ships carried recoverable seaplanes), and visual lookouts (binoculars) to spot submarines and direct attacking vessels to the contact.

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A homophone for stand is "stann," which is a rare alternative spelling of 'stand.'

What is a device for detecting an underwater object called?

A device for detecting underwater objects is typically called a sonar device. Sonar uses sound waves to detect and locate objects underwater by measuring the time it takes for the sound waves to bounce off the object and return to the device.