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That is, it's not proof of anything. It's trivial to engrave "18K" on a piece of brass and claim that it's 75% gold. In general, you shouldn't assume that any markings on a piece of jewelry have any meaning.

13K is an unusual purity value (they're nearly always even numbers), so I'd suggest that "13" is probably a size, if it means anything at all..

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Q: What does 1 3 engraved on gold jewelry mean?
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What does 1-20 on jewelry mean?

This stamp is the quality stamp and represents that the piece is gold plated or better described as gold filled. The 1/20 means that there is a layer of fine gold equal to 1/20th of the jewelry's volume

What does 12012kg mean on gold jewelry?

it mean's that your item is 1/20 percent of 12k gold don't try to turn it in its not valuable at all sorry.

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This indicates that the jewelry is 14kt gold filled. Gold filled is similar to gold-plated jewelry, but the amount of gold used with gold filled is usually more and the piece is of higher quality. "14/20" translates to "1/20th of the total weight (5%) is 14kt gold" The other 95% of the jewelry is not gold.

What is 18 k RGP?

Jewelry engraved with RGP, which stands for Rolled Gold Plating, or plaqué d'or laminé, (proper designation: 1/30 14 kt.), contains approximately 100 times the average amount of gold utilized in gold plating (which is either sprayed or dipped). Rolled Gold Plating involves the lamination of a thin sheet of gold leaf with a lesser metal (usually brass), fused by heating under pressure.

How do you tell gold filled from regular gold jewelry?

Gold-filled jewelry has a thicker layer of gold bonded to the base metal compared to gold-plated jewelry. You can usually find a stamp on gold-filled jewelry indicating the gold content, such as “1/20 14K GF.” Regular gold jewelry should have a stamp indicating its karat purity, such as “14K” for 14 karat gold.

What does 1-20 12 k g mean?

The numbers 1/20 12kg refer to gold in jewelry. The 12 kg reveals that the item is stamped as 12 karat gold, and 1/20 assures that there is 1/20 of gold in the 12 karats.

What does fgs mean on gold jewelry?

FOR GOLD & SILVER, INC. The company ceased operations in 1989. See:

What does 12 GF markings on jewelry mean?

GF= stands for "gold filled" Gold Filled (heavy plating), usually has a fraction, For Example:1/20 10K GF found at:

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It would be $24000 because there are 16 ounces in a pound and gold is currently $1500 an ounce. Note that that would be if the jewelry were solid gold, which it isn't - no jewelry is (solid gold is much too soft for jewelry). But if it's 18 carat gold (typical), it would still be 60% of $24,000, which is $14,400 - still a tidy sum.

What does an 120-14k on a piece of jewelry mean?

It means that the Gold on the metal you have is actually Gold Plated. 120 stands for 1/20, which means since it is only a plating, it is only one-twentieth it's weight in actual gold.

What does the mark V20 mean on jewelry?

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