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It stands for a small fact.

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Q: What does ''tt'' stand for as part of page numbers?
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What does tt stand for in culinary arts?

To Taste

What does TT stand for in banking?

Telegraphic Transfer

What does isle of man TT stand for?

The International Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) Race.

What does TT stand for on a gold bracelet?

Two toned

What does TT stand for in Hawaiian?

The Hawaiian alphabet doesn't have the letter "T" in it.

What does tt stand for in motor racing?

TT stands for tourist trophy in motor racing. The Isle of man is famous for its annual TT racing event which began in 1904 as a car race and was expanded in 1920.

What does the tt in 'tt milk' stand for?

Tuberculosis Typhoid (TT milk)This is a question recently asked in a major public school examination: I was a child in the days of TT milk and it actually stands for "Tuberculin Tested"peter baker

Is the TT vaccine intramuscular or intravenous?

The TT, or tetanus, vaccine, is usually administered as part of the DPT/DT/TT (Dipetheria, Tetanus & Pertussis, and Tetanus) shot, and is intramuscular.

Which of the following is a genotype TA ta Tt or none of these?

Tt is a genotype. Each letter is called an allele and represents a different trait. For instance, the T could stand for tall, and the t could stand for short. Because the T is a capital letter, it is the dominant trait. In the case of Tt, the person would be tall. If the genotype was TT, the person would again be tall. If the genotype was tt, the person would be short. All traits are represented by two or more alleles. Things like blood type are represented by multiple alleles.

What does tt stand for?

T/T in the marine context refers to "Tender To". As in a boat that is a tender to a larger vessel.

What does ktt stand for on Remington 514?

K indicates it was manufactured in MAY TT indicates it was manufactured in 1948

What is the genotype for a homozygous tall plant?

The genotype for a homozygous tall plant is TT. This means that both alleles for the height trait are the dominant allele (T), resulting in a tall phenotype.