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They usually refer to things such as the date of manufacture, the make and model and the individual watch.

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Q: What do the numbers on the back of watches mean?
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What do the numbers stand for on the back of Juvenia watches?

I have a Juvenia Gold Wacth circa 1950 s/n 297810 please tell me about it

What does the fish engraved on the back of expensive watches mean?

This indicates the watch is water resistant, But not Water proof

What do serial numbers on the back of a watch mean?

The serial numbers on the back of a watch are there for the customer to know that the watch is real. The serial numbers can be looked up at the retailers.

What does drug watches mean?

when someone inspects or watches the drugs that go through the world. Cops crackdown on drugs watches

Why women's watches don't have numbers?

because woman make the watches and they are trying to say we are smarter than men. other than that try shopping for watches at a different store!

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What do the numbers on the back of a social security card mean?

The red numbers on the back of a social security card are control numbers that verify the authenticity of the card. They serve no other purpose.

What does it mean if there are numbers stamped on the back of an old coin?

Numbers on a coin usually signify the year it was minted.

What is mocclxxvi mean on the back of the dollar bill?

MOCCLXXVI are roman numbers, in Arabic numbers it's 666

What does it mean when a guy watches you leave and acts like he's looking for you when you have already left?

It could mean he likes you and is expecting you to come back. Or, it might also be that you've forgotten something.

What does kw mean on watches?

KW on watches means key-wind. IT is a company. for eg:KW Pocket Watch

What do the serial numbers on Cartier watches mean?

The serial number on a Cartier watch is a guarantee that the watch is not a counterfeit. Each watch has its own unique serial that gives information about where and when it was produced.