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Q: What did red said to green riddle?
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What is the answer to this riddle when do you go at red and stop at green?

When you're eating a watermelon

There was a green house Inside the green house there was a white house Inside the white house there was a red house Inside the red house there were lots of babies what is the house?

It's a watermelon! The outside is green, then there's a white layer, then the red layer, and the babies are seeds. I think this is an Egyptian riddle

What is green lies in a ditch and is covered in cookie crumbs?

A girl scout that got hit by a car! ROFLMFAO!

Why and how does red and green make yellow?

It does because the book said

How do you make a sentence with riddle?

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The yellow house has yellow walls. The blue house has blue wallsThe red house has red walls. What is the colour of the walls in the green house?

Still, i cannot tell you!

What is red but not red and dead but not dead?

This is a riddle. The answer is The Red Sea and The Dead Sea.

Riddles The little red lady is hard to be found As only her green plant sticks out of the ground Who are you?

The answer to the riddle is a strawberry plant. The fruit, the little red lady, is hard to find as it grows low to the ground and is often hidden by the green leaves of the plant.

Which is good green card or red card?

The green card is good since it allows one to visit the United States and be a citizen of that country. Green can be said to be a better card than red card

What are some cheats on Spider Man shattered dimensions?

Unfortunately there is NO working cheat for it as of yet. All the listed cheats for that costume have proven to be utterly false. So, as of yet, the only way to actually get it is to complete all 180 Challenges.

What is Shania Twain's favorite color?

green,and red well thats thats she said. \

What is Shania Twain's favorite color?

green,and red well thats thats she said. \