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i am Muslim but The Bible and the quran are almost similar so ok Adam and eve where living in heaven then god told them not to eat from a fruit tree (not really specified which type of fruit) anyways so god told them not to eat from it but then Satan (a.k.a the devil) just convinced them to eat from it so they ate from it and god said that they did not abide by what he said so he send them to earth

real virson:

God made the first two people on earth (Adam and Eve) and said to them to enjoy life on earth but not to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of good and evil. Then the serpent who was really Satan (the devil) convinced Eve into eating the fruit. Eve gave some to Adam. Then, they tried to hide from God. God said to them you have disobeyed me. Adam then said that Eve had given him the fruit. Eve said the serpent made her do it. God punished them.

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Q: What did god said to Adam and Eve?
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Where did came from Adam and Eve?

Adam and Eve were created by Jehovah (God).

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God never lies... Adam and Eve are dead. Adam died aged 930, if you believe the Bible.

When Adam said that Eve came from him. why did he say it was from his flesh?

Because Jehovah (God) took ribs and flesh from Adam and used it to make Eve.

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God created Adam and Eve.

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God created Eve with Adam's rib.

When is marriage said to be accepted in the sight of God?

Because god started marriage in the garden of Eden for Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve who is more sinful?

Supposedly, Adam is the more sinful one, because he bit the apple and god said not to do that.

How did Adam and Eve get here?

God created Adam in His image, and then God took one of Adam's ribs out and made Eve

Who were the first humans to disobey god?

Adam and eve were the first humans to disobey god.

What was Adam's excuse for his sin?

The answer is found in Genesis when God confronted Adam and Eve after their sin: Genesis 3:12 Then the man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate." Adam said it was the woman's fault.

Did Adam and Eve just appear?

No Adam and Eve were not there by accident, they were created by god, Adam from the clay and Eve from one of Adams rib.