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Q: What day would yestarday be if four days before Thursday was the day after tomorrow?
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What day of the week would tomorrow be if yesterday was five days before the day after Sundays tomorrow?


If the day before of the day after tomorrow is Sunday what was yesterday?

If the day after tomorrow is Sunday, then tomorrow is Saturday. Therefore, today is Friday. Yesterday was Thursday.

What day would tomorrow be if yesterday was 5 days before the day after sunday's tomorrow?

Thursday. That took two people and a long bit of discussion to discover, though. no actually it would be Saturday. heres how it goes. Tuesday is the day after Sundays tomorrow. count back 5 days Thursday. but that would be yesterday. we want tomorrow. if yesterday was Thursday... tomorrow would be Saturday.

If today is Friday what would three days before one week after the day after tomorrow be?


If the day before the day before yesterday was Monday what is the day after the day after tomorrow?

Sunday. Why? The day before the day before yesterday was Monday implies that today is Thursday. This is true because the 'day before yesterday (Wednesday)' would be Tuesday, and the day before Tuesday is Monday. Since today is Thursday, that means that the "day after tomorrow(Friday)" is Saturday, and the day after that is Sunday. *** uh, that is incorrect. if TODAY is WEDNESDAY, then YESTERDAY would be TUESDAY, and the DAY BEFORE that would be MONDAY. now that we've established that TODAY is WEDNESDAY, then TOMORROW would be THURSDAY, and the DAY AFTER would be FRIDAY. so the ANSWER IS FRIDAY. *** never mind. misread the question.

If today is Tuesday what is the day one day before the day after tomorrow?

Today = Tuesday Tomorrow = Wednesday The day after tomorrow = Thursday One day before the day after tomorrow = Wednesday

What would yesterday be if tomorrow was Thursday?

tuseday lol1 that will throw people off is "Today is the tomorrow you thought about yesterday"

Does one use the word on before the word tomorrow?

No, the word "on" is not typically used before the word "tomorrow" in a sentence. Just say "tomorrow."

How many days before tomorrow?

technically - if I said - tomorrow is Friday, and today is Thursday then the answer is .. "less than 1 more than 0" if forced to give an integer answer then 1 would be correct because in 1 days time (24hours) it will (still) be Friday (or the day currently referred to as tomorrow) However if you want to get pedantic about grammar.. "tomorrow never comes" so there is no logical answer (it isn't infinite, and it isn't 0)

Let's see how Intelligent you are A teacher walks into d Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday. Now on which Day did the Teacher make dis Statement?


What would you do if there was a bunch of things do on Friday and tomorrow was Thursday?

I would prioritize the things to do on Friday and see if I could lighten the load by doing some of the tasks on Thursday instead. Or, spread the fun stuff over two days rather than one!

What is today if yesterday was two days before Saturday?

Think about it, what day is it two days before Saturday? Look on the calender if you can't figure it out. Two days before saturday would be Thursday. If Thursday was yesterday, then today would be Friday.