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Q: What calander has April as a second month?
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Ramazan is a month of Islamic calander i.e the Lunar calander, which is different from the solar calander .

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Many believe it was most likely October. Genesis 7:11 says that the Flood of Noah's day began on the 17th day of "the second month," The second month in Noah's time corresponded to the month Bul, (or Marheshvan) on the Hebrew calander, which, in turn, corresponds to late October or early November on our calendar.

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Why is it October and not Octember?

The names come from Latin. The Latin words for seven, eight, nine and ten are septem, octo, novem and decem. The ber suffix means month. So "ber" is added to the end of each Latin number to describe the month.

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Use a calander

What is the fourth month of the year?

April is the fourth month.April is the fourth month of the year. It contains 30 days and the first month of the second quarter. April is named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love (In the original Greek: Aphros).

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all the months with 30 days (april, june, september, and november)

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The eleventh month in the French Revolution Calendar was called Brumaire.

Is April fool a whole month?

Yes. April Fools is the whole month because April is National Joke Month.

What is the hottest month in Panama?

April is the hottest month in Panama.

Is April poetry month?

Yes, April is National Poetry month.