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Biblical tradition has the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges and Ruth all written before the time of King David. Tradition would also say that the Books of Samuel were written about the time of David.

However, scholars now know that these books were written much later than traditionally supposed, with the first of them written during the reign of King Josiah in the seventh century BCE. No book of The Bible yet existed at the time attributed to King David, nor for centuries afterwards.

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Q: What books of the Bible existed in David's time?
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How did the first Bible come out?

The bible (or collection of books) was a collection of stories that had been passed down from generation to generation. Eventually some people wrote parts of the bible down, and these parts were copied over and over, while the method of verbal translation still existed. Eventually someone collected enough of these books to call it the bible. (Probably the Jewish bible to start.) The bible continued to be revised and updated throughout the years. By the time of the printing press, versions of the bible had been 'standardized'. More standardized versions of the Bible continued to be developed. Note that the Islam developed from Christianity which developed from Judaism, so the first bible was either one of Judaism or a still earlier religion.

Do you have the first words from the first bible. I guess what Im trying to say . does Rome have the first written Bible and if so can we see it?

The bible is a collection of books. The books of the old testament comes from before the birth Jesus. The new testament are the books concerning the birth of Jesus and what comes after. As well as the books in the current bible, there were many other books written by people at the time (including many fakes written afterwards). Also there were many copies and different translations that did not match up. The current bible came about when the Pope organised the theologians of the day to go through all the books and sort them out. The books of the bible were written over a long period of time, all we have left are copies of the originals.

What is the name of the original Bible?

The Bible was not written at one time. Parts of the Bible such as the Pentateuch were composed and referenced in later books such as Ruth and Psalms which were in turn referenced in later books like the Gospels. There is no "original Bible". The Bible officially sanctioned by the Catholic Church was the Latin Vulgate, which may be what you are referring to, but it was not the first incarnation of the Bible. Note: Bible means "Book".

When was the first Bible written?

The Bible was written over a period of time in separate books. These books are what the bible consists of. Since Adam was created about 6,000 years ago (you get this number by referencing the genealogy in the Bible) you can safely assume it was after that.

What books of the Bible were written while Jesus was alive?

No books of the Bible were written at the time Jesus was alive on earth. The old Testament books had already been written, and the New Testament books started to be written within a few years of Jesus' death. All were written by 70AD. Christians regard Jesus as still being alive, although not on earth.

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"Reliability" is a function of the translation, not the function of whether certain books are included or not. "Reliability" might also depend on what particular aspect of the Bible you were concerned with at a given time.

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I expect, The Bible, and an English and Math book.

How did the first Bible come out?

The bible (or collection of books) was a collection of stories that had been passed down from generation to generation. Eventually some people wrote parts of the bible down, and these parts were copied over and over, while the method of verbal translation still existed. Eventually someone collected enough of these books to call it the bible. (Probably the Jewish bible to start.) The bible continued to be revised and updated throughout the years. By the time of the printing press, versions of the bible had been 'standardized'. More standardized versions of the Bible continued to be developed. Note that the Islam developed from Christianity which developed from Judaism, so the first bible was either one of Judaism or a still earlier religion.

Do you have the first words from the first bible. I guess what Im trying to say . does Rome have the first written Bible and if so can we see it?

The bible is a collection of books. The books of the old testament comes from before the birth Jesus. The new testament are the books concerning the birth of Jesus and what comes after. As well as the books in the current bible, there were many other books written by people at the time (including many fakes written afterwards). Also there were many copies and different translations that did not match up. The current bible came about when the Pope organised the theologians of the day to go through all the books and sort them out. The books of the bible were written over a long period of time, all we have left are copies of the originals.

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they have existed since the beginning of time and yes they exist now improvedno they don't. Only in movies and Bram Stoker books.

What has the author Thomas William Davids written?

Thomas William Davids has written: 'Annals of evangelical nonconformity in the County of Essex, from the time of Wycliffe to the Restoration'

What is the name of the original Bible?

The Bible was not written at one time. Parts of the Bible such as the Pentateuch were composed and referenced in later books such as Ruth and Psalms which were in turn referenced in later books like the Gospels. There is no "original Bible". The Bible officially sanctioned by the Catholic Church was the Latin Vulgate, which may be what you are referring to, but it was not the first incarnation of the Bible. Note: Bible means "Book".

When was the first Bible written?

The Bible was written over a period of time in separate books. These books are what the bible consists of. Since Adam was created about 6,000 years ago (you get this number by referencing the genealogy in the Bible) you can safely assume it was after that.

What bibles include the Apocrypha?

The Roman Catholic Bible currently contain 7 Apocryphal Books in the O.T.. At one time they included 11 books.