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Phillipians 4:5 reads, "Let your moderation be known to all men". However, the phrase you mention is best known in Greek culture, translated as "pan metron ariston", which means "everything in moderation".

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Q: What bible verse reads everything in moderation?
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The shortest verse is "Jesus wept." . John 11 verse 36 . when he stod outside the tomb of Lazarus. The verse is actually John 11:35. Also, in the new world translation it reads,"Jesus gave way to tears."

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Why is the letter R in every bible verse and what does the letter R mean in every bible verse?

The use of the letter "R" in the bible is strictly coincidental and it is not in every verse. The letter "R" is one of the most commonly used letters in the English language. So the chances of it showing up in most verses is pretty high. But the bible wasn't originally written in English. It actually wasn't translated to English until 1538 AD. Most of the Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew except for a few chapters in the prophecies of Ezra and Daniel and one verse in Jeremiah that were written in Aramaic. The New Testament was written entirely in Greek. To show that "R" is not in every verse, find John 11:35 in the bible. "And Jesus wept." This verse is known best for being the shortest verse in the bible in the King James Version of the bible. There are no R's in it. NIV reads "Jesus wept."