Loops, whorls and arches.
Real and Complex. Real numbers are your everyday numbers that most people are familiar with and Complex numbers are Real numbers mixed with imaginary numbers. Of course this is a VERY BROAD oversimplification, and the question is somewhat vague in that there are other "types" of numbers that are used, but I think this is the answer you are looking for.
Whirl, Loops, Double Loops, Arc.
Arch, Loop and Whorl
The two types of dietary complex carbohydrates are dietary fiber and starch.
A complex movement is made up of what two types of movement?
There are two types of febrile seizures: simple (or benign) and complex.
In science (particularly physics) there are simple machines and complex machines.
There are two main types of thumbprint patterns: loop patterns and whorl patterns. Loop patterns consist of ridges that flow in one side and out the other, while whorl patterns have circular or spiral ridges. These patterns are used in forensic identification as each person's thumbprint is unique.
As far as I know , there are two main intonation patterns in English: rising and falling intonations.
The two main types of biometrics are physiological biometrics, which include characteristics such as fingerprints, facial features, iris patterns, and DNA, and behavioral biometrics, which involve actions like typing patterns, voice recognition, and gait analysis.
The two types of carbohydrates are simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are referred to as fast-acting carbohydrates. Sugars are considered simple carbohydrates. Starches are considered complex carbohydrates.
Complex tics are coordinated patterns of stepwise movements that involve multiple muscle groups
The cerebellum is the part of the brain that coordinates complex somatic motor patterns by integrating sensory information and coordinating movement.
The two major types of MPUs are CISCs (complex instruction set computing) and RISCs (reduced instruction set computing).
There are four types of sentence: Declarative Imperative Exclamatory Interrogative There are also: Simple Compound Complex Depends which one your after..