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Q: What are three forms of the verb Target?
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What are the three conjunctions of to be?

The three forms of the verb "to be" are: is, am, are.

What are the verb noun adjective and adverb forms of target?

Target has the same form as a noun, verb, or adjective; it is not used as an adverb. Here are examples: (noun) I shot at the target. (verb) New law is introduced to target smuggling. (adjective) I painted a target circle on the barn.

What are the three forms of past present tense of the verb be?

were, are,will be

How many progressive verb forms in English.?

There are three progressive verb forms in English: present progressive (am/is/are + verb-ing), past progressive (was/were + verb-ing), and future progressive (will be + verb-ing).

Three forms of can in English grammar?

a. noun b. verb c. auxiliary verb

What are three types of primary auxiliary verb name them according to their verb forms?

The three primary auxiliary verbs are "be," "have," and "do." Their forms are: be (am, is, are, was, were), have (has, have, had), and do (do, does, did).

What are the three verb forms for judge?

The Three verb form of Judge are 1) judge 2) Judging 3) Judged

What are three forms of verb join?

joined, join, join

What are the present forms of the verb to have?

The present forms of the verb "to have" are: I have You have He/she/it has We have They have

What is the verb form of this word producing?

present participle - producing -- They are producing three cars a day. The verb forms are: produce, produces, producing, produced.

Is there any sentence which contains all three verb?

yes, for example 'He may have done it', or 'He should have been writing' which contains four verb forms

Is missing an adverb?

No, it is not. the word miss is a title, a noun (not a hit), or a verb (to not hit a target, or to feeling longing).