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Q: What are the traditional quantitative research methods?
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What are two quantitative research methods used in communication?

quantitative research and qualitative research

What are the two types of scientific methods?

Quantitative Research, and Qualitative Research. Those are the two!

What is the different between qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research is exploratory research used to understand things. Quantitative research is essentially an investigation using statistical or mathematical methods to understand things.

What are the Types of qualitative and quantitative research?

Qualitative research includes methods like interviews, focus groups, and observations that aim to explore experiences and opinions. Quantitative research involves numerical data collection and analysis, using methods such as surveys and experiments to measure relationships and patterns.

Advantage of quantitative techniqes?

The researcher experienced a number of advantages of applying both quantitative and qualitative methods in this intercultural research.

What are the types of service research?

Quantitative research is associated with positivist/postpositivist paradigm. Qualitative research is the approach usually associated with the social constructive paradigm. The pragmatic approach or mixed methods use methods which appear best suited to the research problem.

What are the differences between quantitative and qualitative paradigm?

Quantitative research involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to identify patterns and trends, while qualitative research focuses on exploring and understanding the meanings, experiences, and perspectives of individuals. Quantitative research is typically deductive and uses statistical methods, while qualitative research is often inductive and relies on methods such as interviews, observations, and content analysis.

Why do we study quantitative methods?

much more quantitative than the qualitative method. those of us who understand basic science and math realize that qualitative measures are usually total BS.

How is educational research classified?

Educational research can be classified into different categories such as quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed methods research, action research, and experimental research. These classifications are based on the research methods, approaches, and design used to answer research questions in the field of education.

Can all research methods can be used in one research study?

Yes, it is possible to use multiple research methods within one research study. This is known as a mixed-methods approach, where researchers combine qualitative and quantitative methods to gather a deeper understanding of the research topic. Utilizing different methods can provide a more comprehensive and rich analysis of the data.

What is the difference between quantitative qualitative research?

This questions references the two primary approaches to academic methodology. Qualitative research is highly descriptive, whereas quantitative methods rely on statistics, measurements, and mathematical calculations.

What two categories can research be divided into?

Research can be divided into two main categories: qualitative research, which focuses on understanding the "why" and "how" behind phenomena through qualitative data analysis; and quantitative research, which focuses on collecting and analyzing numerical data to answer research questions through statistical methods.