There are more than three. See the related question below.
One hundred and three in roman numerals is: CIII
You must be from Oklahoma and searching for the answer to a clue.
The Roman numeral M represents 1000. You might therefore suppose that MMMMM might equal 5000 but according to the rules of writing Roman numerals a numeral should only be written a maximum of three times in succession. So although MMM = 3000 is correct MMMMM is not a real Roman numeral at all. The correct Roman numeral for 5000 is either V with a horizontal bar placed above it or [V]
There are more than three. See the related question below.
1311 is already in numerals but if you mean as in Roman numerals then they are MCCCXI
One hundred and three in roman numerals is: CIII
You must be from Oklahoma and searching for the answer to a clue.
The roman numeral for 4869 is (IV)DCCCLXIX. The Rules of Roman Numerals state that you cannot repeat a single numeral more than three times. So four would not be IIII. It's IV (5 - 1).
The Roman numeral M represents 1000. You might therefore suppose that MMMMM might equal 5000 but according to the rules of writing Roman numerals a numeral should only be written a maximum of three times in succession. So although MMM = 3000 is correct MMMMM is not a real Roman numeral at all. The correct Roman numeral for 5000 is either V with a horizontal bar placed above it or [V]
3,854 Three thousand, eight hundred and fifty four.
XXX is the number 30 in Roman numerals. The number 30 is represented by the Roman numeral XXX (three times X = 10).
300 = CCC
800- DCCC 800 is known as DCCC in roman numerals because the rule of roman numerals goes over three digits which means DCCCC is not 900 in roman numerals 900 is CM.