Cellar has two syllables.
There are 2 syllables in cellar:cel/lar
The word 'cellar' is both a verb (cellar, cellars, cellaring, cellared), and a noun (cellar, cellars). Example uses:Verb: He's an avid collector, he has a place underground to cellar his wine.Noun: We've converted the cellar into a playroom.
The Root Cellar was created in 1981.
Cellar has two syllables.
There are 2 syllables in cellar:cel/lar
well miley cyrus can
Bar-rel has two syllables.
One can purchase a salt cellar from Crate and Barrel, Amazon, Williams-Sonoma, Portsmouth Salt Cellar, and Ebay. A salt cellar is a small container for salt where the salt is spooned out rather than shaken out.
Go to the cellar, through the door you came in from. Underneath the stairs you entered the cellar on, there is a barrel of kerosene. Click on it, and your lantern is lit. Go back to the ghost cat for your instructions.
The word 'cellar' is both a verb (cellar, cellars, cellaring, cellared), and a noun (cellar, cellars). Example uses:Verb: He's an avid collector, he has a place underground to cellar his wine.Noun: We've converted the cellar into a playroom.
multi cellar means
i have a cellar
A synonym for cellar is basement.
Out of the Cellar was created in 1983.