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Because God had ordained it from the beginning. The Bible says that:

" Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Ps.119.105)

And the 66 books of the Bible, are represented in the 66 bowls, flowers and knops of the lamp in Moses tabernacle, made to the exact specifications given by God to Moses on Mt Sinai.

Read about it and count them up in Exodus 37. vs. 18 to 20

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Q: What are the reasons why the protestant bible contains sixty-six books?
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The Protestant Reformation is called Protestant because it meant pro-Testimony, back to the Bible and not protest.Roman Catholic AnswerBecause protestant is what resulted from the "reformers" protesting the Church. Unfortunately they did not get "back to the Bible", as a matter of fact, they mutilated the Bible by throwing whole books out of it, and mistranslating it.