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The first deacons were Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolaus.

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Q: What are the names of the first appointed deacons of the church?
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Who were some of the early Christian leaders?

In Matthew 10, 2-4, we can see the names of the first Christian leaders, the apostles, the first Bishops with Jesus as the head of the Catholic church. And the names of the twelve Apostles are these: The first, Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, and James the son of Alpheus, and Thaddeus, Simon the Cananean, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.

What is the most common letter for first names?

Most of the names in the world start with A

How did Jesus sometimes refer to his followers in the Bible?

Jesus referred to his disciples by many different names. First and foremost, he called them by their first names. He also called them "friends", "brothers", and many symbolic terms inside of His parables, such as "branches", and other such names.

What is a given?

Your given names are what used to be called Christian names or forenames. Sometimes it is now called your personal name or first name, as distinguished from your family name or family names.

What are two names as in first and middle name that go together?

My daughters have two names as their first names.... Mary Christina and Hannah Shae Generaly first and middle names rules are that one must be short syllabled and one must be longer...ex-Candace Bree, Ann Elisabeth, Madelyn Jane..... My daughters first names go by that standard( I didn't follow any rules I just liked the sound of those two names together) but all in all their names are quite a bit longer...:) (below) I didn't just want a really long name or couldn't decide on a name, I found the first names and the four middle names (two for each) are named for different woman important to either my husband or I (Alexis my husband's deceased sister, Anne his aunt who raised him and his sister, Emily my grandmother and Jane mine, my mothers, my grandmother and my greatgrandmothers middle name) Mary Christina Alexis Anne Johnson Hannah Shae Emily Jane Johnson

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What are the names of Church leaders?

In order of 'rank' in the Catholic church, the Pope, the cardinals, the archbishops and bishops, the priests, deacons and brothers of religious orders.

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These are the ordained church leaders in the protestant Churches. In the Methodist Church, for example, ordained clergy are called ministers, whilst in the Baptist Church they tend to be called pastors. In the Anglican Church, however, the ordained leaders are names the same as the Roman Catholic Church - deacons, priests and bishops.

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In Britain the Queen holds the title 'Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England'. Archbishops and bishops are appointed by The Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister, who considers the names selected by a Church Commission.

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What proper method for legeal marriage?

First the boy and girl must fill forms in church ,giving names and details. Then the wedding bands are announced in church, then the wedding.

What is the Board of Deacons called in Jewish synagogue?

If the question intends to ask what Jews call the laity who run a synagogue from a purely economic and social perspective, i.e. handle money inflows and outflows, memberships, programming, etc. Most synagogues would call this group of people the "Board of Trustees", but there are diverse names for this in different parts of the world and in different sects of Judaism. Historically, prior to emancipation, this was one of many activities subsumed by the Kahal, but with the emancipation and the end of the Kahal, this has become its own thing.However, deacons have different responsibilities in different sects of Christianity and even between the various Protestant denominations. As a result, the Board of Trustees may not parallel the Board of Deacons if the Deacons are not laity or are not in charge of church operations.

What other names were said for the Church of England?

The High church of England or the Anglican church

Is there a Liberal Catholic Church denomination which limits its priests and deacons to heterosexual men?

No, there are several churches that tack on the title 'Catholic' to their names but who are not in union with Rome and not true Catholic Churches. Examples: The Old Catholic Church, the American Catholic Church, the American Charismatic Catholic Church, etc. Some allow married clergy and female priests. Your question is not very clear. The Roman Catholic Church limits its clergy to men only but could not be classified as 'liberal' in the way that some of the non-Catholic 'Catholic' denominations listed above cold be.

What other names is Henry VIII church given?

The Church of England (c of e) and the Anglican Church.

Do Mormons have the same first names?

No, definitely not! Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) can give their children any name they want, and converts keep their given names. Some people mistakenly think that the titles that are used by Mormons are their first names. Mormons commonly address each other by "Brother", "Sister", "Elder", and "Bishop". These are not their names but just titles, like calling someone "Mom", "Doctor", or "Mayor".

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Those judges appointed by the sponsor-state, Elis.