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Because of historical evidence, many people feel that there is only ONE name for God in The Bible: YHWH(translated Yahweh or Jehovah).

(Psalms 83:18, John 17:6, Matthew 6:9)

Everything else... Lord(Adonai), God (Elohim), Heavenly Father, Mighty God, Supreme Sovereign, King eternal, Majestic One, Source of all life, "Alpha and Omega"....etc.... are all titles.

Originally 'YHWH' was included over 7000 times in the 'Old Testament', however in many translations used today, the name has been removed or hidden under the terms: LORD or GOD, written in all capital letters. Often, if you read the front information pages in a King James, or other older translations of the Bible, you'll find a notation saying that "YHWH" (known as the 'Tetragrammaton') has been removed &/or replaced. ( It can be seen very clearly in the Dead Sea Scrolls which are touring the states now.)

A good example of a familiar name and title being used for a person, would be the use of term: 'Jesus Christ', ...meaning: "Jesus, the Christ".

Jesus is God's SON (Matthew 16:16) (John 3:16).

His name is JESUS. His title is Christ.

He BECAME the 'Christ', (or Messiah, meaning 'anointed one'), when he was baptized.

His FATHER, God, is 'YHWH'...(YahWeh, or Jehovah) (John 8:54 & 55)

This 'YHWH' was given to moses by God as His name at the burning bush, when moses asked God what His name is, in Exodus 3:14:-

"And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."

Arguably, it is not so much a name, as a special tense of the Hebrew for "I AM" which implies "I AM, ALWAYS WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE" -- in other words, a special Hebrew pronoun which can only be applied to God. This is why God chose it as his name in Hebrew. It also distinguishes God as the only God there actually is, because it is sufficient to name Him. This is quite appropriate for a God who is the ONLY God. He calls Himself not by a name, but by a special pronoun.

Elsewhere in the King James Version (and many other translations) of the Bible, this 'YHWH' is usually translated LORD (in capital letters) because the Jewish custom when reading the scriptures aloud was to voice the Hebrew word for lord instead of the name of God, because it was regarded as too holy to be spoken. For this reason, and because Hebrew texts did not originally include the rendering of vowel sounds, the correct pronunciation of the word has actually been lost in the mists of time! The rendering Jehovah comes from attempting to vocalize the 'YHWH' with the Hebrew vowel sounds of the Hebrew word for lord. In the Hebrew, the consonant for Y can also be pronounced like a J, the consonant for W can also be pronounced like a V, and as I said before, they did not use letters for vowels.

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Q: What are the names for God mentioned in the Bible?
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