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Many scholars are in the general agreement that Jesus and His disciples spoke in the then common language in Jerusalem - Aramaic.

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Q: What are the languages that Jesus spoke?
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What are the three languages the Jesus new?

Jesus spoke aramic, Hebrew and semantic

What languages were spoken by the disciples of Jesus?

Aramaic was the common language of the land of Israel in the time of Jesus.No where in Bible it was written that the Disciples spoke in Aramaic, but Jesus spoke in Aramaic, and so the disciples probably did also.

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Jesus spoke aramaic

What language was spoken in the time of jesus?

There were more than 10,000 languages in the world at the time of Jesus. The country of Israel mainly spoke Aramaic at that time.AramaicAramaic, Hebrew, Greek and Latin.The language spoken in Palestine at that time was Aramaic.

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There is no record in the Bible of what language Jesus spoke. However, he was a meek and lowly man, and so it is doubtful if he ever spoke any language from another country. However, we can all be grateful that his words have been translated and preserved for us in our own languages.

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Jesus spoke outdoors when he fed the five thousand, and spoke from a boat... etc

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Did Jesus Christ really speak Aramaic?

Yes, it is believed that Jesus Christ spoke Aramaic as it was the common language in the region of Palestine during his time. Many scholars suggest that Jesus likely also spoke Hebrew and possibly Greek.