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cadott high school

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Q: What are the coordinates of cj's school?
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To find the telescope in Poptropica, you need to go to the main street of CJ's school and use the map to locate the telescope. Once you're there, click on the telescope and interact with it to have a closer look. The coordinates are C-6.

What are the coordinates for cj's school?

the coordinates for cj's school is X87 & Y16

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What are the numbers on the telescope on shrink ray island?

The numbers are the coordinates to focus the telescope on the school. You can find them on the bulletin board above. They are 87 (left) and 16 (right).

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It means that you go to the telescope in her room and look at the coordinates on the bullentin board and set the coordinates.

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38.973098, -76.50651

What are the coordinates to the school on shrinkray island?

The coordinates are x=87 and y=16. You will see the classroom. Good Luck!

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