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Isaac newton contributed ideas to the fields of mathematics, physics and astronomy. One of his most famous contributions was to the understanding of gravity. His inventions include calculus, which he co-invented with Gottfried Leibniz.

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There are a lot but he was really good about discovering new things

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Q: What are the contributions of Isaac Newton?
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What are 2 mathematical contributions that Isaac Newton made?

calculus and vector algebra

What were sir Isaac newton's contributions to society?

Basically the Royal Society and his inventions.

What is iaasc newtons real name?

Isaac Newton's real name is indeed Isaac Newton. He was a famous English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer who is widely recognized for his contributions to the fields of mathematics and science.

How is Isaac Newton a genuis?

ANSWER:Issac Newton would be considered a genius for any one of his substantial number of contributions to mankind.

Isaac Newton field of science?

Isaac Newton is best known for his contributions to physics and mathematics. He developed the laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation, which revolutionized our understanding of how objects move and interact with each other. Newton also made significant contributions to calculus and optics.

Why are the units for measuring called newtons?

They are named after Sir Isaac Newton, who did important contributions to physics.

Did Isaac Newton discover the pendulum?

Isaac Newton did not discover the pendulum. The pendulum was first described by Italian scientist Galileo Galilei in the 17th century. Isaac Newton made significant contributions to physics and mathematics, but his work was mainly in the areas of motion, gravity, and optics.

Did Isaac Newton suck his thumb?

There is no historical evidence to support the claim that Sir Isaac Newton sucked his thumb. It is likely a myth or misunderstanding. Newton was a highly intelligent scientist and mathematician, known for his contributions to physics and calculus.

Is Isaac Newton recognised by the Nagaland state?

Isaac Newton is recognized by the Nagaland state. As a matter of fact, he is recognized all over the world for his contributions in science. He came up with three motion laws. .

Was Isaac Newton German?

No, Isaac Newton was actually English. He is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists of all time, making significant contributions to the fields of physics, mathematics, and astronomy.