I believe for this you just need to use complimentary colours wheel, (less formally "the rainbow wheel") where the colours opposite to each other create complementary colours. (e.g. red and green)
It only takes a lots of precaution in using one or other of the colours to get the one you want, because the smallest amount is quite often sufficient for creating the desired nuance.
made up of two sets of split complementary that he directly opposite of each other in the color wheel
WARM color scheme and COOL color schme
Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. When you mix two complementary colors you get brown. If you are painting a shadow you use the complement of the color the shadow falls on.
The complementary color is the opposite of a color. In the case of green, it's magenta.
Combinations of colors that are considered satisfying are referred to as "color harmonies" or "color schemes." Some common color harmonies include complementary colors (opposite on the color wheel), analogous colors (next to each other on the color wheel), and monochromatic colors (different shades of the same color).
Every color is a complementary color. Complementary means a set of two colors which are opposite each other on the color wheel. Yellow is a complementary color with purple.
According to the principles of color theory in studio art, the complementary color of green is red.
Colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel are known as complementary colors. Some common examples include red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and purple. Complementary colors tend to create strong contrast and can create vivid color combinations when used together.
The seven color schemes are monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split complementary, double complementary, triadic, and tone on tone.
Red is the complementary color of green. These colors are opposite each other on the color wheel, making them complementary because they create a strong contrast when paired together.
The best color combinations to use in a vibrant and eye-catching design with shades of green and magenta are complementary colors like green and red, or analogous colors like green, yellow-green, and yellow. These combinations create a visually striking contrast and harmony that can make your design stand out.
462 combinations.
Using unnatural color combinations. for apex :)