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They only need 7 symbols which are M=100 D=500 C=100 L=50 X=10 V=5 and I=1

They don't need a zero symbol for positional place value purposes because the positional place values of the numerals are self evident as for example DV is equivalent to 505

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8mo ago

Roman numerals have several advantages. Firstly, they are easy to read and decipher, making them a widely recognized method of representing numbers. Secondly, they have a unique and aesthetic appeal, often used in design, typography, and decorative purposes. Finally, roman numerals are useful for representing centuries, book chapters, and outlining sequences, adding a sense of tradition and historical context.

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What is the advantages of the Roman numbers compared to the Arabic numbers?

Advantages:- Fewer numerals are needed. No nought figure is required for positional place value purposes. Large numbers can be expressed by using the subtractive element of the system.

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Name the Advantages and disadvantages of roman figures?

Advantages of Roman numerals include their historical significance and use in formal contexts. Disadvantages include their complexity for larger numbers, lack of a place-value system, and limited usefulness in mathematical calculations.

Do decimals and whole numbers use Roman numerals?

No,decimal numbers and whole numbers are not counted in Roman Numerals,ROman nUmerals are meant only for natural Numbers.

What were Roman numerals invented for?

Roman numerals were invented because in the roman times they did not have numbers so these were their numbers

Advantages and disadvantages of Roman figures?

to know thw roman language

Where do you see roman numbers?

you see roman numbers in math and school learning

Did the Etruscans invent the Roman numbers?

Yes, the Etruscans invent the Roman Numbers.

How do you write mark in roman numbers?

Roman numerals are a system for writing numbers, not words. the Roman numeral for 4 is IV.

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What is the importanse of the roman numbers?

Roman numbers may also be used to sort the different chapters of a book,to distinguisg various pages in a book we can use roman numbers.

What ancient Roman letters mean?

If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.If you mean single Roman letters, they can either stand for numbers or abbreviations.