

What are the IQ ranges?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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12y ago

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There are basically seven types of IQ:

  • over 140 - excellent
  • 120-139 - very good
  • 110-119 - good
  • 90-109 - average
  • 80-89 - low
  • 70-79 - very low
  • 69 and less - bad

1,5% of the earth's population have an IQ of 140 or more

11,0% have a very high IQ

18,0% have an IQ from 110-119

Most people (48%) have an average IQ

14,0% have a low IQ

5,0% have a very low IQ

2,5% have an IQ of 69 or less

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What are the ranges of an IQ test?

90 to 200

What is the IQ range for a thirteen year old?

IQ (intelligence quotient) is a test that scores human intelligence. The IQ range for a thirteen year old ranges from 90 to 100.

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IQ is non-age dependent. IQ tests can be made for people in different age ranges, but there is no average score for a certain age range. The average IQ for any age is 100.

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IQ is realtive to age. So an average 50 year old mans IQ is gna be 100, just like every ranges average IQ

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Their IQ score ranges from 50-75, and they can often acquire academic skills up to the 6th grade level.

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It is unknown what Robin Williams's IQ was, but he was a member of Mensa. To join Mensa, one must achieve a score at or above the 98th percentile on a standard test of intelligence, but this score ranges by IQ test. It is nearly always about 132, though.

What is the average IQ and what is a good IQ?

The average IQ for an adult is anywhere from 90 to 115. Just to give some figures the average IQ for one that has a mental disibility ranges from 30 to 50 and the IQ for one that is a genius is 140 and higher. You can find complete information about IQ by going on best-iq-test (dot) com and then click on IQ. You will find average scores

What is a smart persons IQ?

An IQ of 130 and above is considered to be genius. This all depends on which test that you are taking. Keep in mind also that some people simply are not good testers. Ranges may vary greatly.

What is the average IQ of a religious person?

IQ is not determined by a person's religion or belief system. Intelligence is a complex trait influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. There is no empirical evidence to suggest that there is a specific average IQ for religious individuals.

What is the lowest human IQ?

well it depends... if your normal it ranges between 30 to 200 but if y0or special its 30 downwards to 0

How are extraordinary people ranged in terms of IQ?

An IQ test will determine an Intelligence Interval for an individual in a number form. For various number ranges there is a Cognitive Designation. An IQ rating between 85 - 114 is considered Average, 40 - 54 Severely Challenged, and 160 - 175 Extraordinary Genius.

What are the ranges for Stanford Binet IQ test?

The Stanford-Binet IQ test has the following ranges: Very superior: 130 and above Superior: 120-129 Above average: 110-119 Average: 90-109 Below average: 80-89 Borderline: 70-79 Extremely low: 69 and below