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M = 1000, CM = 900, XC = 90, V = 5 and I = 1, so the complete number is 1996 = MCMXCVI

I - 1 V - 5 X - 10 L - 50 C - 100

D - 500 M - 1000

note :

If a lower value symbol is before a higher value one, it is subtracted. Otherwise it is added. So 'IV' is '4' and 'VI' is '6'. And for adding 'XIII' makes '13' For the numbers above X, only the symbol right before it may be subtracted: so 99 is: XCIX(and not IC).

VI means V + I or 5 + 1 = 6

IV means V - I or 5 - 1 = 4

30 = XXX or X + X + X

40 = XL or L - X not XXXX

2000 = MM or 1000 + 1000

1900 =MCM1990 =MCMXC1991=MCMXCI1992 =MCMXCII1993 =MCMXCIII1994 =MCMXCIV1995 =MCMXCV1996 =MCMXCVI1997 =MCMXCVII1998 =MCMXCVIII1999 =MCMXCIX2000 =MM2001 =MMI2002 =MMII2003 =MMIII2004 =MMIV2005 =MMV2006 =MMVI2007 =MMVII2008 =MMVIII2009 =MMIX2010 =MMX2011 =MMXI2012 =MMXII2013 =MMXIII2014 =MMXIV2015 =MMXV2016 =MMXVI

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