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Synonyms for the verb 'scrutinize' are: examine, study, watch, view, survey, search, analyze, check, consider, explore, investigate, overlook, scan, inspect.

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Q: What are synonyms for scrutinize?
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What are some synonyms of inspect?

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What is the synonyms for watch and look intently?

Synonyms for "watch" include observe, monitor, and view. Synonyms for "look intently" include gaze, scrutinize, and examine closely.

What is the synonyms of examine?

investigate, test, explore, check, study, scrutinize, survey, evaluate, gauge, assess, appraise, inspect, analyze

What part of speech is scrutinize?

The word 'scrutinize' is a verb meaning to closely examine.Example: They are very picky. They scrutinize everything.

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What is the prefix of scrutinize?

The prefix of scrutinize is "scrut-".

Another word for contemplate?

Consider is another word for contemplate. Additional synonyms include foresee, plan, ponder, scrutinize and study .

What is the present tense of scrutinize?

Scrutinize is the present tense.

What is the past tense of scrutinize?

The past tense of scrutinize is scrutinized.

What is another word for analyze?

The word analyze is a verb. Some synonyms for analyze are scrutinize, evaluate, investigate, and inspect. Additional words for analyze are figure out, resolve, assay, and sort out.

How do you you scrutinize in a sentence?

Scrutinize the list so you can remember the terms. She will scrutinize your report, so make sure you don't have any errors.

Find a word similar in meaning to contemplate?

Contemplate means to think, meditate, or ponder about something. Synonyms (similar words) would be consider, observe, survey, examine, scrutinize, inspect, or study.