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In the Old Testament it begins with babies being slaughtered with the pharaohs order. The New Testament starts with the babies being killed by king Herod.

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Q: What are some ways the new and Old Testament are alike?
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As a matter of fact, they're the same.

What are ways of expressing the importance of the Old Testament in present day church life?

Ways I would express it is thru out the whole bible god is the eye of the world old testament or new testament. We learn as they did in the old testament the same purpose of unification a desire to find our way and final we are and always will be the all with god from the beginning to the end.

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Not all Old Testament books are wordy and lengthy. There are some Old Testament books that are short, sweet and to the point. Some short Old Testament books are: Obadiah, Nahum, Haggai, Nahum, and Jonah.

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How many books are there in the christianty bible?

Thirty-nine books of the Old Testament are accepted as part of the Bible by Christians and Jews alike. Christians are united in their acceptance of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament

Is Abraham in the new testament or Old Testament?

Abraham is first mentioned in the Old Testament.

How many Languages is the Bible in?

The Old Testament (or Hebrew Bible) was written almost entirely in Hebrew. Some parts of the Old Testament were written in Aramaic. The New Testament was written in Greek.