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raise elevate rocket skyrocket

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Q: What are some synonyms for ascend?
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Related questions

Are climb and ascend synonyms or antonyms?

They are synonyms. Synonyms have similar meanings, antonyms have opposing meanings.

What is the synonym for tower?

Some synonyms for the verb are soar, ascend and loom.

What are for synonyms of climb?

Synonyms of Climb: ascend, clamber, crawl, escalade, escalate, mount, rise, scale, top.

Four synonyms of climb?

Ape up, ascend, clamber, mount

What are synonyms for climb?

Clamber, ascend, scale, escalate, rise, mount...

What are some synonyms for the word escalate?

A synonym is a word with a similar meaning. Some synonyms for the word escalate include :ascend; arise; climb; float; fly; lift off; mount; move up; rise; scale; and soar. Other synonyms can be found in a Thesaurus.

What is a synonym for clamber?

Ascend, scale, scramble, mount, and climb are all synonyms for 'clamber.'

What are the differences between antonyms and synonyms?

Synonyms are words that have similar meanings while antonyms are words which have opposite meanings Examples: Synonyms of climb are mount, ascend, scale, rise, go up, clamber. Antonyms of climb are descend, drop, fall, dive, decrease, go down.

What are some synonyms for shouting?

Synonyms for shouting:BawlingBellowingComplainingCriesExclaimingHolleringHowlingJeeringOutburstRoaringScreamScreamingScreechingShriekingSquealingYawpYellingYelping

What are synonyms of remembrance?

Some synonyms for remembrance:AfterthoughtAnamnesisCommemorationFlashbackHindsightKeepsakeMementoMemorialMemoryMindMonumentRecallRecognitionRecollectionRelicReminderReminiscenceSouvenirTestimonialTokenThoughtTrophy

What are four synonyms of climb?

scale, ascend, rise, mountIf you climb something it can be said that you scaled or ascended it.ascend, clamber, escalade, escalatemount, rise, scale, soar, top

What are some synonyms for the word for?

Some synonyms for "for":AsAs long asBecauseBeingConsideringInasmuch asNowSinceWhereas