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Tell them to think of a number between 1-9.

Tell them to double it

Tell them to add, let's say, 4

Tell them to half it

Tell them to tell them their answer

and their answers would be 2.

How? Easy.

Half of the number you tell them to add after they double their, is the number they started with.

In this case, 2 would be their starting answer because half of 4 is 2

It also works with odd numbers, if you're good at calculating decimals

So remember.

Think of a number.

Double it

Add a number of your choice

Half it

Ask for their answer.

Half the number you told them to add

Tell them

And there you go, they'll think you're a mind-reader

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The Jedi mind trick is a device used in the Star Wars series of movies. It references a technique used by a Jedi in which he can control or influence the thoughts of another.

What is the point of reading someone's mind and trying to control it?

In some nations mind-reading through devices is legal. It is used for intelligence gathering. If one knows the thoughts of another, it is easier to control that person.

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To play mind tricks. By making images seem bigger than what they are, and in some case to show how big something is.

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Reading helps student, to open their mind and give the ability to understand English and some others languages,

When magicians do magic tricks is it really magic?

No. We have no scientific evidence pointing towards the existence of magic. Regardless, magic tricks are pretty amazing! It's all sleight of hand, illusion and mind tricks. Distracting the audience. Trap doors, pockets, smoke and mirrors! Go on YouTube and watch some Penn and Teller tricks. They're great. They even tell people how they do their tricks sometimes!

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because it carms down the mind. and even if you think your not reading the book. some part of your life that informaion will come back to youu.