Some things which contain the opposite idea to leeway are all at once, short time frame, needing to be exact or crammed in. It is difficult to know which is best without seeing the context.
Calabash has no antonyms.
Some antonyms for formulate are: -confuse -muddle -abort -destroy
hot and cold are some antonyms but those are really easy
atypical :)
I will need some leeway on my deadline as I am still waiting for critical information to complete the project.
She was given some leeway to complete her project, understanding that unexpected delays could occur.
antonyms for slender
antonyms for said
Calabash has no antonyms.
antonyms of mutered
Some antonyms for adversarial:AccordanceAgreeableAmicableBeneficialConcordanceConcordConstructiveEquableFavorableHarmoniousHelpfulPeacefulPlacidPlacidlyPromisingServiceableSupportableTranquilTruceUsefulValuable
constellations antonyms
Some Antonyms for the word interpret are misinterpret and misunderstand.
Some antonyms for heartily include: gravely, indifferently.
Some antonyms for "reside" are depart, vacate, migrate, and move out.
Antonyms for delighted are displeased or dissatisfied.