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B09234773A green seal $5.00, H05982905A green seal $5.00

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Q: What are all the numbers on your dollar bill?
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Related questions

What do the numbers on the dollar bills mean?

There are many numbers on the dollar bill. The most prominent ones are the amount of the currency. There is also a row of numbers on the front and back of the bill that contains the individual serial number for that particular bill.

How many times does the word treasury appear on a dollar bill?

there are 17 ones on a dollar bill. with words and numbers.

Steps on how to draw a dollar bill?

To draw a dollar bill, first draw a rectangle. Next, fill in the details on the bill, including the pictures, symbols, and numbers.

Where are the hidden numbers on back of the 5 dollar bill?


How do you tell a real twenty dollar bill if its an old one?

It will have those yellow numbers on it that say 20. They will be all over.

What does 172 mean on a US 5 dollar bill?

It's a plate number identifying the printing plate used to print that particular bill. All US bills have both plate numbers and position numbers indicating where in the plate the bill's engraving was positioned.

How do you tell if my 20 dollar bill is of more value?

well see... there are numbers on a bill and in your case it is... $20

What is mocclxxvi mean on the back of the dollar bill?

MOCCLXXVI are roman numbers, in Arabic numbers it's 666

What is the value of misprinted 2 dollar bill with all front seals and serial numbers shifted?

its aproximently worth 4,562,000 us dollars

Do one dollar bill serial numbers ever start with a m or n?


What is the value of a US 20 dollar bill with embossed serial numbers?

It has no extra value. The "embossed" serial numbers aren't an error or special type of printing. All it means is that the counter that prints the numbers was slightly misaligned, so it was pressed more firmly into the paper when the bill was printed.

Does the forehead of George Washington consist of numbers on the dollar bill?

I do not know. Google that up.