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Q: What are Two ways of protecting the integrity of files?
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What Two ways of protecting the integrity of files?

check file fixity if it has been provided with the contents

What are two ways in which the integrity of files can be maintained?

by using a password

Windows offers two ways to sync files?

briefcase and offline files

What is two ways of protecting your hearing?

Ear plugs and lowering the volume of sound

What are two ways of protecting yourself against sunburn or skin cancer?

sunscreen lotion, or protective clothing

What are the two ways windows offers to sync files?

Briefcase and Offline Files. Straight from the CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC (7th ED.... pg68) Good luck :)

I have loads of files on my old computer how easily can I transfer them onto this one?

The easiest two ways to transfer your files would be via a data backup or via a USB to USB cable, which will connect the two systems for simple transfer.

Can you have two files on fossil fighters?

you can have two files you can get up to 11 files on this video game

Which two files used during the operation of Rdbms?

During the operation of a relational database management system (RDBMS), two key files used are the data file or database file, which stores the actual data in tables, and the transaction log file, which records all changes made to the database to ensure data integrity and provide recovery in case of failures.

Define the two principle integrity rules for the relational modelDisscuss why it is desirable to enforce these rules also explain how DBMS enforces these integrity rules?

Define the two principle integrity rules for the relational modelDisscuss why it is desirable to enforce these rules also explain how DBMS enforces these integrity rules?

The concept of security and integrity in database are interrelated Discuss how the two affect database system?

The concept of security in a database involves protecting the system and its data from unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. This ensures that only authorized users have access to the database and that the data remains confidential. On the other hand, integrity refers to maintaining the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of the data within the database. An important aspect of integrity is ensuring that data is not modified or accessed inappropriately, maintaining its quality and reliability. Overall, security measures help maintain data integrity, as unauthorized access or modifications can compromise the integrity of the data within the database system.

State two ways a person could take responsibility for protecting peoples rights?

Become a law enforcement officer Become a civil rights attorney be a politician (cringe); be a judge