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Any Indian girl name without vowel?

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Q: What are Indian girl names without vowels?
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Some Marathi names of girls that do not contain vowels are Shraddh, Pranbh, and Khushbr.

Indian girl name without vowels?


What is an Indian girl's name without vowels?

I don't know if there are any Indian names or names in general that don't have any vowels in them, but I do know that most Welsh names tend not to have vowels in them. It's difficult to find names without vowels, but I wish you the best of luck. ~ Maybe this site can help you out a little bit - look up

What are girl names without vowels?

Some girls names without vowels are:BrynBrynnCyndyGlynnGwynGypsyKrshnKT is my daughter's nameKyly (pronounced kylie)KymLynLyndzyLynnShw (pronounced sh-wi)Sky

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Name of a Indian girl which have no vowel in it?

The name "Nyx" has no vowels in it and is often considered an Indian girl's name.

Any Hindu girl name without vowel?

Some examples of Hindu girl names without vowels are: Rhythm, Mydhili, and Shrghy.

Indian girl name without aeiou?


Find the name of any Indian girl not having any vowels?

The name "Shruti" does not have any vowels.

Indian baby girl name starting with word le?

Visit for a complete collection of all Indian girl names. For Indian girl names starting with 'L'

What are some Indian girl names?

Aarti, Bimbi, and Chalama. Those are actual Indian girl names I am not telling a lie.

Any Indian girl name without vowel?

Any Indian girl name without vowel?