I only know one soz and the compound word that starts with door is doormat
Door is not a compound word.
The word outstanding is a compound word. The words are out and standing.
No because it doesn't have to words in it.
Compound words using the word 'one' are:anyoneeveryoneonetimesomeone
A compound word that contains the word door is doorbell.
Compound words containing the word look:lookoutoutlookoverlook
Some compound words that contain the word "pop" or "pops" are popcorn, pop-up, popular, and popsicle.
I only know one soz and the compound word that starts with door is doormat
Door is not a compound word.
Compound words containing the word 'bound' are boundless, housebound, and hardbound.
Yes, "freedom" is not a compound word. It is a single word that stands alone and does not contain any smaller words within it.
Examples of compound words that contain the word 'new' are:brand newnewbornnewcomernewfanglednewfoundNewfoundlandNew Jerseynew moonNew South WalesNew Year's DayNew YorkNew Zealand
birdsong songbird songbook singsong swansong
A compound word is a word that is comprised of two smaller words. Some compound words that contain the word bridge are: drawbridge, footbridge, bridgework, flybridge, bridgehead.
alehousebakehousebathhousebirdhouseboathouseclubhousecoffeehousecourthousedollhousefarmhousefirehousefield housegreenhousehaunted househousecoathouseflyhouseplanthousemaidhousematehousewarminghousewifejailhousepenthouseroadhouseschoolhousesmokehousesteakhousestorehousetownhousetree housewarehouseWhite House