There are 52 letters in Sanskrit language.
the alphabet has 26 letters in it
there are 33 letters in the cambodian alphabet
The Post Office abbreviation it has twelve letters while 'the alphabet' only has eleven.
The Latin alphabet varies in length, according to the language that uses it. If you mean the Latin version of the Latin Alphabet, it has 23 letters.
The Sindhi alphabet consists of 52 letters.
52 letters
There are 52 letters in Sanskrit language.
There are 52 letters in Sanskrit language.
He is referring to the 26 UPPERCASE and 26 lowercase letters, for a total of 52. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz=26 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ=26 total: 52.
There are 52 shapes, if you include both upper and lower case letters.
The Sindhi language is written in the Arabic script, which consists of 52 letters. The language has 52 distinct sounds, each represented by a letter.
2 x 26 = 52
No, there are 26 letters in the alphabet.
The official Philippine alphabet has 28 letters.
the alphabet has 26 letters in it