

What all did Aryabhatta invent?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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Q: What all did Aryabhatta invent?
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Did Aryabhatta invent number system?

yes he did

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pls provide reference for your answer ARYABHATTA

What did Aryabhatta invent?

concept of zero, algebra, discovered that earth rotates on a axis around the sun and, that the earth is round.

What is name of aryabhatta parents?

aryabhatta-2 (mother's name)aryabhatta-1 (father's name)aryabhatta-2 (mother's name)

What is the name of Aryabhatta's parents?

aryabhatta-2 (mother's name)aryabhatta-1 (father's name)aryabhatta-2 (mother's name)

Aryabhatta's contribution to the number system ANSWER?

{| |- | Aryabhatta's contribution to the number system |} {| |- | Aryabhatta's contribution to the number system |}

What types of mathematics did Aryabhatta studied?

discovery in maths by aryabhatta?

Who discover 0?

Aryabhatta discovered the first 0 of the world

Please let me know about aryabhatta family?

Not much is known about aryabhatta's family.

When was Aryabhatta Knowledge University created?

Aryabhatta Knowledge University was created in 2008.

How many constribution of aryabhatta in mathematics?

how many contribution of aryabhatta in mathematics and anstronomy