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Noah looked out of the "Ark and saw"....

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Q: What US state mentioned in the Bible?
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The Anunnaki are not specifically mentioned in the Bible.

Why is the US not mentioned in the bible?

Because the last chapter of the Bible was written about 1700 years before the United States was founded.

Why are cats not mentioned in the Bible?

Because there is no need. The Bible is a guide for us humans, The word of God, and it is meant for us. Cats do not need to know how to get to heaven. Yes, they do mention other animals but not in the way one would think of mentioning a cat. Cats can be precious to us but they are not a necessity. The Bible is filled with things we should and need to know, it is a very important book and there is simply no reason for it to be mentioned in the Bible if it were then they would be mentioned.... hope that helps =)

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