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PHP is a original acronym for "Personal Home Page".

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Q: What PHP stands for?
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Difference between jsp and php?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages whereas PHP stands for Hypertext PreProcessor. PHP is a scripting language whereas JSP is a full fledged technology. JSP is much more powerful and has more features than PHP

What is lamp in php?

LAMP stands for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. In simpler terms it contains everything to build a php application on a linux platform.

Why did the definition of php change?

PHP stands for hypertext preprocessor. It is the code embedded within the HTML of a web page. A php change is when this language is changed.

Expansion for php?

Not sure what you are asking but... PHP stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. or are you wondering about extensions to the language, if so there are many. you can start here:

What is exactly stands for php?

In the beginning, it was called PHP/FI for "Personal Home Page / Forms Interpreter". Then when the project got bigger it was renamed into the form "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", a recursive acronym.

Who created The Language of PHP?

PHP is the Web development language written by and for Web developers. PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor. The product was originally named Personal Home Page Tools, and many people still think that's what the acronym stands for. But as it expanded in scope, a new and more appropriate (albeit GNU-ishly recursive) name was selected by community vote. PHP is currently in its fifth major rewrite, called PHP5 or just plain PHP.

How does PHP work?

PHP is a programming language that stands for PHP Hypetextual Processing (recursive acronym). Technically PHP is just a program that lives on your computer which interprets code and executes PHP statements line by line. The PHP interpreter will execute changes to your computer or run-time environment based on the low-level instructions that the programmer issues.

If PHP means Hypertext PreProcessor why isn't it HPP?

It is a recursive acronym that stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.Other recursive acronyms are:GNU: GNU is not UnixWINE: WINE is not an Emulator

What does the acronym php stand for?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. This may sound a bit confusing, but it is considered a "recursive acronym" which means that the first word of the acronym is the actual acronym.

What is application php used for?

PHP currently stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. It involves the scripting language used for creating dynamic web pages. It is executed by being embedded in an HTML document.

What does Index PHP stand for?

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely-used multipurpose scripting language that is used mainly for dynamic web page development that can be embedded in HTML format.

What is the difference between PHP and JSP?

They are different technologies - JSP stands for Java Server Pages, where PHP means PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor... Basically, they do the same thing - generate webpages, but JSP scripts are programmed in Java, and PHP scripts in PHP, which are completely different scripting languages. PHP is usually used in small to medium-sized projects, where Java tends to be percieved as a more "enterprisey" (aimed at large projects).