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Philip used the Old Testament and the book was Isaiah , to the Ethiopian eunuch.

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Q: What Old Testament book did Philip use speaking to the ethiopian eunuch?
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What does Philip in the Bible do?

He baptizes the Ethiopian eunuch.

Which of the apostles disappeared after baptizing a man and where was he found later?

The man you're thinking of is Philip. (The New Testament never actually calls him an apostle, but his works fit the definition of the word.)Acts 8:38-40 - So he commanded the chariot to stand still. And both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water, and he baptized him. Now when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more; and he went on his way rejoicing. But Philip was found at Azotus. And passing through, he preached in all the cities till he came to Caesarea. [NKJV]

Was Potiphar a eunuch?

Well, yes and no....the Hebrew word for eunuch was 'saris'. It meant a 'court official', and THIS, Potiphar certainly was. However, often, the word eunuch referred to a 'court official' who had been castrated, usually because his job entailed caring for the women in a king's harem. In Potiphar's case, he was the chief of the body guard, nothing to do with the harems, and he was not a eunuch in that physical sense. For one thing, he was a married man. Genesis 39:1-9. (Another reference to a 'court official'(eunuch/'saris') who was NOT castrated was the Ethiopian Eunuch at Acts 8:27-39. He had been a Jewish proselyte, worshiping at the Temple in Jerusalem, and could therefore NOT have been castrated(Deuteronomy 23:1). He was just a court official (a man in power)under the rulership of Candace the Queen.

Who was the Ethiopian Eunich?

In the book of Acts chapter 8 starting in verse 26 you can read of where an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip telling him where to go to. The place he was told was also a desert place, as in no people, not a place like sand and no water. As he was there a man from Ethiopia was there on his way back to his home place when the Spirit said to Philip "Go near and overtake his chariot." As the story goes Philip taught the man from Ethiopia the truth about the Lord and baptized him. The eunuch himself was a man of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians. With all things considered the man was also a very wealthy man of great honor.

How many times does the word 'eunuch' appear in the Bible?

The word 'eunuch' appears 11 times in the KJV Bible.

Related questions

What does Philip in the Bible do?

He baptizes the Ethiopian eunuch.

What happened in Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch?

Philip was sent by God to the Ethiopian who was studying the bible. Philip went up to him and asked what he was reading and the Ethiopian answered that he didn't know. So Philip taught him what the Scripture said and the Ethiopian believed it and wanted to be baptized. Philip then baptized the Ethiopian and God took him away.

The Ethiopian eunuch read in Isaiah then heard the word about Jesus from?

Philip told the eunuch about Jesus. This passage is found in Acts 8:26-40.

Who was converted by Philip in the Bible?

The Ethiopian eunuch was the one converted by Philip in the Bible. As a man of considerable influence in the Queen's court, he was believed to be the one who started the movement of Christianity in Africa.

What is the significance of the Ethiopian eunuch in the Book of Acts chapter 8?

Answer: The Ethiopian eunuch was the first recorded Gentile convert to the Christian faith.

Explain the story of the Ethiopian eunuch?

The name of the Ethiopian eunuch is not known. All that is known is that he was an unmarried man who was devoted to his master. He also would have been a convert to Judaism and was going to worship in the Temple in Jerusalem. (Acts 8:26-39)

Who was the first black christian?

His name is Bakos. He is an Ethiopian eunuch, a court official of the Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. The name wasn't mentioned in the bible but is still famous in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church and the church has many reference for this part of the bible and the whole. You can find the story in Acts 8:26. Philip the Apostle taught him and finally baptised him. According to Church Scholars, Bakos is the first person who took the knowledge of Christianity out of the middle East and introduced to the outside world, even before the Apostles did it.

Is the Ethiopian eunuch in the Acts of Apostles Chapter 9 a Proselyte?

Yes, the Ethiopian Eunuch was not an Israelite, so on learning how to worship the true God, became a 'proselyte' (Acts 8:26-38)

Which disciple spoke to the eunuch?


What bible verses mention angels speaking?

Some Bible verses that mention angels speaking include Luke 2:10-14 where an angel announces the birth of Jesus to the shepherds, Matthew 28:5-7 where an angel speaks at the empty tomb of Jesus, and Acts 8:26 where an angel instructs Philip to go to the Ethiopian eunuch.

What special fact do we know about the Ethiopian Eunuch?

The first recorded African Christian

Who are someblack men in the bible?

The Ethiopian Eunuch, Simon of Cyrene, Rufus in Rome, Ebedmelech, Solomon's Bride, Moses' Ethiopian Wife