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The Ten Commandments were only 10 of the moral laws of the Hebrews. Jewish tradition holds that there are 613 commandments in total.

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Q: Were the moral laws of ancient Hebrews the ten commandments?
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What does the word 'statutes' mean in the bible?

Laws, commandments

What is the body of laws that govern the church?

The Ten Commandments are the body of laws that govern the Church.

What laws did God give on Mt Sinai?

The Ten Commandments.

What the number 10 significant means in the Bible?

GOD gave us ten laws to live by called the ten commandments.

Why and how God gave the Ten Commandments?

Let's start off by saying "God is Holy". God hates sin and disobedience. God created mankind and wants mankind to be holy. Mankind since the fall in the Garden of Eden have been sinners. But God from the beginning has given mankind evidence that there is a God and has placed His moral law in each heart (ie, Man, since the fall has always know what is good and what is evil, Romans 1:18-23). After God choose His holy nation and released them from slavery, He wanted to give them His laws, some rules to follow. The Ten Commandments were those rules. The Ten Commandments are actually the headings of 643 laws. The Ten Commandments are found in the Book of Exodus and what follows in Exodus, and Leviticus are the Ten Commandments broken down into individual laws. In the Books of Numbers and Deuteronomy the laws are repeated and some expanded on. These laws, the Ten Commandments and the laws they are broken down into were given to Moses on Mount Sinai. God wrote the "Ten Commandments" on two tablets of stone for Moses to show the people. This is why and how the Ten Commandments were given. But the Law of Moses, the Ten Commandments, could never be kept completely. A person could keep maybe 9 commandments if they were very good and fail on one of the other ten. When a person failed in one law they were said to have failed the Ten Commandments and were considered a sinner. They could not stand up to God's Laws. This is where animal sacrifices came in. When a person sinned, and they all did, they had to offer a sacrifice. Depending on the sin committed they had to offer the acceptable animal sacrifice. The Law of Moses was given to teach the people what God wanted from them and to teach them what sin was, but the Law could never save a person or make that person righteous. And this is where Jesus Christ comes in. Jesus Christ came to earth to die in the place of mankind for their sins. He accomplished this on the cross of Calvary. Then He was buried and arose from that grave on the third day. Jesus was the sacrifice that covered all sins and did away with them forever and this sacrifice only had to happen once in contrast to the animal sacrifices that were only a covering for sin and had to be repeated day after day. In order to take advantage of this sacrifice that God has provided for us, we have to come to Jesus Christ, when He calls us, and accept Him as Lord, Master, and Savior. When we do that our sin is removed from us. Psalm 103:12, "A far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us". If you travel east you will never over take the west. Our sin is gone. Ask God to show you the way to His Son who has the power to give life.

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The ten commandments of the ancient hebrews has had the greatest influence on the developement of western?

The ten commandments of the ancient Hebrews has had the greatest influence on the development of western law. In particular, the first 3 commandments influenced the establishment of state churches. The 4th influenced the establishment of blue laws. The 5th influenced the legal relationship between parents and children. The 7th influenced moral laws.

The ancient Hebrews' laws of God are called?

The ancient Hebrews' laws of God are collectively called the Torah. The Torah contains the Ten Commandments (Exodus ch.20) as well as some six hundred additional laws and commands, in addition to its historical and other narratives. See also:More detailAbout the TorahThe Ten Commandments

Much of western moral and ethical teaching comes from the ancient hebrews' laws passed from God to Moses known as?

The Torah.

What formed the basic moral laws of many nations?

The Ten Commandments

Who formed the moral laws of many nations?

The Ten Commandments

God's laws were delivered to the ancient hebrews by?

Moses, delivered on 2 stone tablets with 5 Commandments on each. Delivered after Moses came down from the mountain after speaking with God.

Hebrews believed that God had revealed the laws to Moses thereby making what with them?

Hebrews believed that god had revealed the laws (ten commandments) to Moses theredy making a promise with them.

What are moral laws given to Moses by god?

The moral laws given to Moses by God are often referred to as the Ten Commandments. These commandments outline principles for ethical behavior, such as honoring one's parents, refraining from murder and theft, and avoiding false witness and coveting. They serve as a foundation for moral conduct in many religious and ethical traditions.

How are mosaic laws and the ten commandments different?

The Ten Commandments are a specific set of moral and religious laws presented in the Bible, while mosaic laws refer to the broader body of laws found in the Torah or Hebrew Bible, which includes civil, ritual, and moral laws given to the Israelites by Moses. The Ten Commandments are a subset of the larger mosaic laws.

What was the set of religious and moral laws Moses received from God was called?

They are called the Ten Commandments. The Torah was the entire set of of Laws given to the Jews. There are 613 commandments, of which the Ten Commandments are a part. There are 7 commandements that are called the "Seven Laws of Noah" that are moral laws that all humans are expected to follow. See the link below.

The Ten Commandments of the ancient Hebrews has had the greatest influence on the development of western?

Only partially true. To explain: Christ Jesus stated that the whole Law given to the ancient Hebrews, could really be summed-up & condensed into just two laws: 1st) You must love Jehovah God with your whole heart, soul, and mind and strength; and 2nd) You must love your neighbor as yourself. Actually it is these 2 laws (not just the 10 commandments) that form the basis for the greatest influence upon True Christians, not just in the Western world; but upon True Christians all around the globe.

What did ancient Hebrews need to do to please their God?

The ancient Hebrews needed to obey God in order to please him. They also needed to obey his laws.