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King James was not the first person to write The Bible.

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Q: Was King James the first person to write the Bible?
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Who was the first to write the first amendment?

James Madison. I am not sure if it is the first person but he did write it.

What year did James first rewrite the Bible?

James the 1st didn't rewrite the Bible. James gave instructions to translators to write a new version of the Bible. The translation began in 1604 and was completed in 1611.

Did King James write the King James Bible?

No but he authorised it.

Did James write the gospel James in the Bible?

Yes The only trouble is there is no such thing as the Gospel of James in the Bible. If you mean the Epistle of James instead then the answer is yes.

How many words did Shakespeare utilize in the King James Bible?

William Shakespeare did not write anything in the King James version of the bible.

Who was the first person to write about GOD?

Great question! Moses perhaps? The first books of the bible are guessed to be written down by Moses.

Did King James of England write the bible?

No, the Bible was written thousands of years earlier by the Hebrews.

How many times the word write appears in the bible?

The word "write" is in the King James Version of the Bible 91 times. It is in 82 verses.

Did King James who wrote the Bible own and kill slaves?

He didn't write the whole bible he didn't kill either

How do you write a speech on the King James bible?

l dont now

Did Johannes Gutenberg write the first paper Bible?

Gutenberg printed the first typeset Bible.

Did King James 1 write the bible?

One of the King James translated the KJV Hebrew and Greek BIBLE to English so Americans can understand it. I'm not sure which King James did so.