As of right now (the 2011-2012 school year) most 7th graders were either born in 1998 if they have a fall birthday, and 1999 if they have a winter, spring, or summer birthday.
there are 4 seasons spring,summer,fall and winter
Theme of the New TestamentThe life, teachings, and work of Jesus Christ and its relevance to the lives of people. Answer:Many modern professing Christians seem to think that the New Testament "replaces" the Old... that the Old Testament is "done away" by the New. But the New Testament theme is the long-awaited beginnings of the "fulfillment" of God's dual promises to Abraham, 1) to establish the Kingdom of God on earth... and 2) His Salvation [blessing] of "all the families on earth" [the Gentiles] through faith.The Old Testament Promises of God are "prophecies" [future world news told in advance]. The phases of God's plan are revealed to His people [those of faith] through His seven annual Holy Day feasts listed in Leviticus 23.These Holy Day "prophecies" are geared to the two "harvest seasons" in the year -- the small Spring harvest and the abundant Fall harvest. With one year representing God's entire 7000-year plan.The first phase of God's plan begins with the Passover -- the ancient prophecy of Jesus' sacrifice of His "Divine Self" for His creation, man, made in God's image... to purchase, redeem, buy back man from his master [Satan] to whom he sold himself in the beginning by heeding and obeying his deceptive "sales pitch" to transgress the laws of God [thou shalt have no other gods before Me].Within the theme of the New Testament -- The WORD of God [the Creator God of the Old Testament -- Jesus Christ - John 1:3] was born a flesh and blood man TO BEGIN THE FULFILLMENT OF HIS FATHER'S PLAN... starting with the PASSOVER."...For even Christ OUR PASSOVER is sacrificed for us..." (I Cor.5:7).The ultimate theme of the New Testament is the "revealing" [Revelation] of Jesus' ultimate fulfillment of EVERY ONE OF GOD'S ANNUAL HOLY DAY PROPHECIES [the implementation of God's plan]. From the "early Spring harvest" phase, starting with the Passover, Days of Unleavened Bread and Pentecost... to the final four "Fall harvest" phases that conclude with the Last Great Day [Judgment Day] that follows on the heels of the Feast of Tabernacles [Jesus' thousand year rule on earth].Jesus Christ has fulfilled the first three "Spring harvest" prophecies in the New Testament:PASSOVER: He died for the sins of man, and His Divine shed blood paid the price required by the law to buy repentant, faithful men back from their "former master," the god of this world. Those "of faith" now serve a NEW MASTER -- the RISEN, LIVING CHRIST.The Author of their Salvation.DAYS OF UNLEAVENED BREAD: The advent of Jesus Christ's bringing "spiritual magnification and understanding" to the Scriptures [Old Testament; which Jesus quoted exclusively], opened the hearts and minds of the faithful in the world to the Truth of God's Word, the Bible, the spiritually healthy nourishment of God's "Unleavened Bread.""Then opened He their Understanding, that they might understand the scriptures." (Luke 24:45)PENTECOST: And when Jesus ascended into heaven to the right hand of the Father... the Holy Spirit was given on that Pentecost following that "fulfilled Passover."The main theme of the New Testament is THE LONG-AWAITED FULFILLMENT OF GOD'S OLD TESTAMENT PROMISES in real-time ON EARTH!The first three Spring harvest prophecies HAVE BEEN FULFILLED by Christ. But, more than that -- THEY CONTINUE TO BE FULFILLED EVERY DAY SINCE that Pentecost.Every day, since... more people place their "faith" in Jesus' shed blood, repent of their past sins, and with the Living Spirit of Christ dwelling with their spirit, they are able to study the Bible [the Unleavened Bread of God] and understand the Truth that was formerly hidden until Christ:"...Go thy way, Daniel: for the Words are CLOSED up and SEALED till the Time of the End... none of the wicked shall understand; but THE WISE SHALL UNDERSTAND." (Dan.12:9-10)"...behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of Jesse [Jesus Christ], hath prevailed to OPEN THE BOOK, and to LOOSE THE SEVEN SEALS thereof." (Rev.5:5)Jesus Christ has begun to fulfill the Promises of God to the patriarchs of old:"Now I say THAT JESUS CHRIST WAS A MINISTER OF THE CIRCUMCISION [the Jews] for the Truth of God, TO CONFIRM THE PROMISES MADE UNTO THE FATHERS: and that THE GENTILES [all the families on the earth] MIGHT GLORIFY GOD FOR HIS MERCY; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee AMONG THE GENTILES..." (Rom.15:8-9).Prophecy isn't much good... unless it's fulfilled.And the main theme of the New Testament lies in the Hope and Faith of Jesus Christ's completion of God's plan.First of all... He has begun to fulfill the phases of God's plan. The Early Spring harvest IS UNDERWAY. But it'snot DONE, yet. It's an ongoing, LIVING SPIRITUAL BIRTH PROCESS that Jesus STARTED.Ever since Jesus ascended into heaven to intercede for the sins of the faithful on earth to His Father -- for the past centuries, more and more repentant and faithful people have been called and added to the Book of Life... have received God's Holy Spirit... and have studied and understood the long-hidden Truth of the Bible.THE EARLY SPRING HARVEST OF SOULS IS STILL GOING ON... right up until Jesus comes back to REAP THE ABUNDANT FALL HARVEST.Jesus still has to finish God's plan of salvation -- to SAVE THE WORLD from Satan... and Satan-guided man's destruction of it. Because if Jesus doesn't... life on earth would cease if man were allowed to follow his sins to their otherwise inevitable conclusion:"For then shall be Great Tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time... And except those days should be shortened, THERE SHOULD NO FLESH BE SAVED: but for the elect's sake [God's faithful on earth whom He has been calling] those days shall be shortened." (Matt.24:21-22)The Main Theme of the New Testament is the ultimate FULFILLMENT OF GOD'S PROMISES MADE TO THOSE FAITHFUL IN THE OLD TESTAMENT."...these all [the blessed, wonderful names of God's faithful, recorded in the Old Testament, whose inspired words we can read, study and at long-last understand, today, through the Truth-revealing Spirit of Christ], having obtained a good report through faith, received not the Promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made Perfect." (Heb.11:39-40)The Main Theme of the New Testament is the "looking forward" in Hope and Faith to the blessed Day when Jesus Christ returns to earth, to fulfill the final phases of God's plan. And the looking forward to the New Beginning of Peace, Joy and Harmony... in the Eternal Lives of God's Immortal Family in the universe they shall inherit with their Loving and Courageous "Elder Brother," Jesus Christ."The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD... HEIRS OF GOD, and JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also GLORIFIED TOGETHER." (Rom.8:16-17)"...Even so, come, Lord Jesus. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." (Rev.22:20-21)
Although the Jews had long hoped for a messiah ("anointed one") to free them from foreign rule, this is not really stated in the Old Testament.The first mention of Jesus as the Messiah (Greek: 'Christ') is in the New Testament. As Paul's epistles were written before the four gospels, the first mention of Jesus as the Messiah is in those epistles.
It is not recorded in the KJV Bible that Jesus fell on the way to Golgotha. The only time that is recorded that Jesus fell, was in the Garden of Gethsemane, where he fell to the ground on his face and prayed to his Father that the cup that he was about to drink would pass from him. (Matthew 26.39)
the birth of Jesus Christ. the birth of Jesus Christ.
I've never read anywhere that Christ was born in June. I've read it was either in Spring or in Fall.
In the Spring
To find the first Christmas traditions would be difficult if not impossible today. As to the date of "Christ's Mass"? Why December the 25th? That the date actually goes back to Rome with a festival called 'Saturnalia' . A lot of Romans at the time of the adoption of Christianity into the Roman Empire (AD325) had various feasts. It was a time of revelry, celebration, eating and drinking. It was at the same time both a solstice observance and a harvest festival. On the Julian calendar it was proclaimed in 46 c.e., that the Saturnalia would fall on December twenty- fifth.
Same as now: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall.
Jesus was not born at Christmas Time..This is a fable
goats are born in the spring that's what I think okay
dove = holy spirit hand = god cross = Jesus Christ fig leves = adam and eve's fall from grace
The Rise and Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spider From Mars. Jesus Christ Superstar.
Approximately 65 AD or 65 CE.ANSWER:Many Bible Commentaries and Scholars agree that Christ was born in the mid-fall of 4BC. As there is at least one agreed error with our current calendar when Denis the Little attempted to align it, he neglected to account for the year 'zero.' He simply counted 1BC, 1AD, 2AD... Totally left 0 year out. So when calculating 70 years after Christ (considering Spring to Spring recollection), then it is 70 minus 4 = 66 less 1 for calendar error = 65 Anno Domini or Common Error as noted above.
No. It is evident through clues in the story he was born in the summer or early fall. When the Catholic Church took over Europe they wanted to replace the pagan celebrations with Christian ones, so they choose the Winter Solstice as Christmas and the Spring celebration as Easter. Thus, those dates were picked that we now use today.
Every humen will fall in to the deep Sleep until the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ.