The 3 primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The 3 secondary colors can be created by mixing 2 of the primary colors. They are orange, green, and purple.
orange and red
Equal parts of the two colors make orange. If you mix 2 reds and one yellow you end up with a reddish orange color. You can mix the two colors in other ratios to make other hues of orange.
Blue and yellow are two of the three primary colours.
A combination of two primary colours is called a secondary colour.
Yellow and red are the two colors that make yellow orange. By mixing these two primary colors together, you can create the secondary color of yellow orange.
Red yellow and blue are primary colors, meaning they can't be made from other colors. Orange, purple, and green can, though. They are secondary colors and can be made from the primary colors.
the colors that primary colors r mixed 2 make primary- red blue yellow ex- red+blue=purple yellow+blue=green and yellow+ red=orange
The 3 primary colors are red, yellow, and blue. The 3 secondary colors can be created by mixing 2 of the primary colors. They are orange, green, and purple.
Mixing red and blue primary colors generates the secondary color purple. Mixing blue and yellow primary colors produces the secondary color green. Mixing red and yellow primary colors results in the secondary color orange.
Red and yellow make orange.
orange and red
The additive primary colors, or primary colors of light, are red, green and blue. The subtractive primary colors, or primary colors of paint, are red, yellow, and blue The primary colors of printing are magenta, cyan, and yellow. thanx bye
The secondary colors are purple, green, and orange. These aren't just considered the secondary colors, they are the official secondary colors. The always have been and they always will.AnswerThe three primary colors are red, green and blue.When the primary colours are mixed, they assemble three secondary colours, which are:1. Yellow.2. Cyan.3. Magenta.
I'm in a professional art class and blue is one the the three primary colors and you can't make blue, red, or yellow because they are all primary your so dumb.;) "No B**** you are dumb because you suck d**k and orange and yellow make red... F*** B****" Dont forget to add me on fb Maya Elizabeth
You can make 2 basic colors, green and orange by mixing yellow with red you can create orange. blue and yellow is green. But to make other colors, just mix in yellow to green to make lime, yellow to orange to make a peach.
Mix Red [primary], and Yellow [primary].If you put more Yellow in the Orange will be lighter. If you put more Red in the Orange it will be darker.©IronShireRed and yellow