M=1000 X=10 V=5 I=1 Therefore: 1-19-2005 = I-XIX-MMV
This math riddle relates to Roman Numerals where 19 is IXX, 1 is I, and 20 is XX. By removing I from IXX, you are left with XX.
IXX is a simplified version of XVIIII which equals 19 But in today's notation of Roman numerals 19 is said to be XIX.
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals it is XIX But there is evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have calculated 19 as XVIIII and simplified it to IXX (20-1) in written form.
M=1000 X=10 V=5 I=1 Therefore: 1-19-2005 = I-XIX-MMV
This math riddle relates to Roman Numerals where 19 is IXX, 1 is I, and 20 is XX. By removing I from IXX, you are left with XX.
IXX is a simplified version of XVIIII which equals 19 But in today's notation of Roman numerals 19 is said to be XIX.
In todays modern notation of Roman numerals it is XIX But there is evidence to suggest that the ancient Romans would have calculated 19 as XVIIII and simplified it to IXX (20-1) in written form.
In today's notation: XIX-I-MMXII
x=10 so 10+10-1=19 The answer is 19
by using roman numerals 20 is XX 1 is I 19 is IXX (1+20, I+XX)
XIX representing, 10 + (10 - 1)
The 1 in Roman numerals is represented by the letter "I".
Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.Eleven in Roman numerals is XI.
19 because x is 10 and I is 1 and if a smaller number is in front of a larger number then you subtract the smaller number from the bigger number so it would be 10-1 which is 9 so it is 19