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There are quite a few problems with storing data

1) security issues

2) excessive data

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Q: Problems that occur when incorrect data is stored?
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List some problems that can occur when incorrect data is stored?

i have no idea, please help because im am struggling with my education and i need a job otherwise i will end up on the dole claiming disability benefits

What problems occur when collecting weather data manually?

You might receive anonymous results (incorrect data). By using Automated weather equipment, the results will be more accurate.

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Erroneous means something that is incorrect or wrong. Therefore Erroneous Data is essentially Incorrect Data.

If a cell contains incorrect data how can it be corrected in excel?

Click on the cell with the incorrect data and change the data to the correct information.

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Data redundancy

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Does often formating computer cause hardware problems?

No, reformatting does not harm hardware. You just loose all your stored data.