C major is a major scale starting from C.
A major scale and its relative minor scale share the same key signature.
The D major scale has F# and C#.
The first note of the major scale is the tonic.
The dominant key is the fifth note of the scale. For A major scale, this would be E.
The major scale is the major scale. If it was altered, then it wouldn't be the major scale anymore.
C major is a major scale starting from C.
A major scale and its relative minor scale share the same key signature.
The subdominant note is D in an A major scale
The D major scale has F# and C#.
The first note of the major scale is the tonic.
F# major
The relative major scale for e is G MAJOR-zam zam
The dominant key is the fifth note of the scale. For A major scale, this would be E.
A Major scale! :)
(X) Minor Scale = 3 semitones below (Y) Major Scale E.G. C Minor = E♭ Major
The C major scale and its relative minor, the A minor scale. C Major.